Ned Cantrell has been blowing glass for over thirty years. He is known in particular for his sculptural works which are exhibited internationally and are included in notable museum and private collections. His playful creativity has placed him on the cutting edge of innovative glassmaking.

Hot-sculpting glass is a painstaking and controlled process. Very similar to (and sharing many techniques with), traditional glassblowing the 1100ºc molten glass is formed directly out of a furnace. The glass is formed on the end of a blowpipe using only primitive hand tools such as scissors, tweezers and paddles...

Ned Cantrell is obsessed with the craft and his work displays a virtuoso mastery of the material. His work references the craft and traditions of glassblowing but also investigates the expressive qualities of this unique material.

Blown glass signifies status, exclusivity and elitism. It is a high cultural medium. Much of Ned Cantrell’s work consists of colliding high culture with low culture, observing and reflecting over the absurdities that arise. The conflict arises between the subject’s ephemeral nature and the high level of craftsmanship.

He likes to deceive the viewer. Making the glass imitate plastic, skin or french fries. Playing with physical weight and visual lightness, the illusion of unbalance or movement. Investigating properties of glass, both physical and conceptual, and how they affect the perception of his work.

C.V. for Ned Cantrell, 1975

2023 Started Cantrell Glass

2004-2023 Co-owner of Nyholm Cantrell Glas with Karen Nyholm


1992-94 ND.Colchester Institute School of Art and Design, UK

1994-97 BA(Hons). Surrey Institute of Art and Design, Farnham, UK

2000-01 Glas& Keramikskolen på Bornholm, DK


Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

Gernheim Glassmuseum, Germany

CERFAV, France

Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg, Germany

Glazen Huis, Belgium

Grassi Museum, Germany

Nasjonalmuseet, Norway

Nøstetangen Glassmuseum, Norway

Hsinchu Glassmuseum, Taiwan

Ernsting Stiftung, Germany

Hempels Glasmuseum, Denmark

Tacoma Museum of Glass, USA

Novotny Glass Museum, Czech Republic

Centre du Verre Contemporain, France

Awards and Grants

Coburger Glaspreis Audience Award 2022

Hempels Glasprize 2018

Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968, 2018

Århus Kommunes Kulturudviklingspulje, 2013

KIC Prisen 2012

Statenskunstfond, 2011, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879, silver medal, 2011

Galleri Grønlunds Hæderspris 2008

Konsul G, Jorck & Hustru E, Jorcks Fond, 2000

Selected Exhibitions

2023    “In the Heat of the Night” Continuum Gallery, Germany

            Galleri Nijenkamp, Denmark

            Galleri Oxholm, Denmark

            “Glass Glass Glass” Kunstbanken Hamar, Norway

2022    “Coburg Glass Prize” Germany

            “Her og Nu”, Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, Denmark

            “Soundtracks”, Tacoma Museum of Glass, USA

2021    “Wild Things”, Galleri Oxholm, Denmark

            “Vaser”, Hempels Glasmuseum, Denmark

            “Fluid Formations”, Whatcom Museum, USA

2020    “Nyt I Samlingen”, Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

2019    “High Resolution”, Grønbechs Gård, Denmark

2018    HempelsGlasmuseum, Denmark

            “Japan Retur”, A Petersen, Denmark

            “Handmade-ScandinavianGlass Starting All Over”,

            Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

2017    “Great Danes”, Hempels Glasmuseum, Denmark

            “Handmade-ScandinavianGlass Starting All Over”;

            The Glass Factory, Sweden. Riihimäki Glass Museum, Finland

            “Glass is More”, Österlens Glashytta, Sweden

            “Latiner Erotique”, Galleri Lyrum, Denmark

2016    “Great Danes”, Glazenhuis, Belgium

            Hsinchu Glassmuseum, Taiwan

2015    GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig, Germany

            ”The Little Match Girl” Nøstetangen Glasmuseum, Norway

            “Fandenivoldsk” The Glassery, Stockholm, Sweden

            “Watch Out!” Galleri Udengaard, Denmark

            “DG15” Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

2014    “Bodytalk” Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

            “Bodytalk” GlazenHuis, Belgium

            “Animal Planet”, European Glass Festival, Poland

            ”Coburger Glaspreis”, Coburg, Germany

            “Makers of Today”, Kunsthal Nord, Aalborg, Denmark

2013    ”The Study” Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

            The Glassery, Stockholm, Sweden

            ”Statement”, TheGlass Factory, Boda, Sweden

            ”Glaspuster” Craft2eu, Hamburg, Germany

            ”Im Dialog mit dem Barock”, Schleissheim, Germany

2012    Substans ”Bredgade Kunsthandel, Denmark

2011    The Glassery, solo udstilling, Stockholm, Sweden

            Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879, Design Museum, Denmark

            ”Substans” Bredgade Kunsthandel, Denmark

            “Amazing Vases”, Craft2eu, Hamburg, Germany

            “Homage to Bornholm” Denmark

            Galleri Saltum, Denmark

            The Glassery, Sweden

2010   Silkeborg Kunstnerhus, Denmark

            Vevringutstillinga, Norway

            Kanasawa, Japan

            Galleri Nielsen, Denmark

            SOFA New York, with Galleri Udengaard, USA

            Galleri Ulriksholm, Denmark

2009   SOFA Chicago, with Galleri Udengaard, USA

            “Showtime” Craft2eu, Hamburg, Germany

“            Trinkfest” Craft2eu, Hamburg, Germany

            ”Ashes to Ashes” Contemporary Art Centre of Virginia, USA

2008   ”Emerging Glass Artists” Gallery Sklo, Korea

            Art Herning with Galleri Gønlund, Denmark

            Art Copenhagen, with Galleri Grønlund, Denmark

            SOFA Chicago, with Galleri Grønlund and Micaela Gallery, USA

            “Cold and Hot 2008” Micaela Gallery, San Francisco, USA

            ”Salon 2008” Micaela Gallery, San Francisco, USA

2007    SOFA Chicago, with Galleri Grønlund, USA

            “Cold and Hot 2007” Micaela Gallery, San Francisco, USA

            Art Copenhagen, with Galleri Grønlund, Denmark

            “Novus + Neos” Micaela Gallery, San Francisco, USA

            ProKK, Århus, Denmark

            ”En Delelig Helhed” Galleri Grønlund, Denmark

            ”Dansk Glas i Kina”, China

            ”Venice, Hidden Faces”, Strand Gallery, Aldeburgh, UK

            “Young Glass”, Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

            ”Venetiensk for Fortsættere” Galleri Grønlund, Denmark

            PALAUR,Silkeb org, Denmark

2006   “Transparent Realisme” NNKS, Svolvær, Norway

            KIC, Århus, Denmark

            Art Copenhagen, with Galleri Grønlund, Denmark

2005   ”Åbneværksteder” Århus, Denmark

2004   ”Pilgrim” Vadstena Slot, Sweden

            ”Dansk Glas 2004” Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark

2003   ”Extravagante Uppenbarelser” Vadstena Slot, Sweden

2002   ”Talente 2002” Munich, Germany

            Forsbergs Gallerier, Härja, Sweden

            ”Demonstrating New Talents” Hartzviller, France

            Chateau de Luneville, France

2000   Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany

1999    Galerie L, Hamburg, Germany

1998    ”8 GL” Galleri Ikaros, Gothenberg, Sweden

            Astra Konstforening, Gothenberg, Sweden

1997    The Candid Gallery, London, UK

            “Glass of ‘97” Dudley, UK